Proxima Software Solutions

Digital Transformation

Outdated software, redundant processes, too many tools? Transform your business.

Organisations are facing a number of challenges, including rising stakeholder expectations, reduced budgets, and the continual emergence of new technologies. To achieve high performance, organisations must identify which IT capabilities are most critical to the success of the overall enterprise, and shape IT capability that supports the business cost-effectively.

Proxima has extensive experience with transformation programs; we have helped many leading organisations improve the performance of their IT function. Our transformation approach is to engage and interview key stakeholders to fully understand the current (AS-IS) state and associated issues. Then, through a series of workshops we get consensus from key stakeholders of the issues which are then prioritised. From this we identify quick-wins and deliver a recommended way forward (TO-BE) with a transformation blue-print and supporting business case.


Benefits of Digital Transformation projects include:

  • Closer alignment of business and IT
  • Redirection of IT expenditures from non-strategic projects to strategic ones
  • Improved ROI on IT investments
  • Increased IT efficiency and effectiveness
  • Higher-quality IT services
  • Faster time-to-market