Proxima Software Solutions

Harmony IoT

Protect Your Airspace

In today’s smart-connected world, Harmony IoT delivers an enterprise-grade defence for your airspace that protects you from IoT – and wireless-borne attacks

“More than 1.5 billion attacks against IoT devices in the first half of 2022”

Why is wireless so vulnerable?

Unlike wired networks, wireless networks can be accessed by anyone. Even in restricted environments hackers can eavesdrop and penetrate wireless networks from nearby. 

Wireless networks also host a wide variety of mobile and IoT devices that are difficult to secure. They often have vulnerable interfaces, unprotected storage, hardcoded backdoors, unencrypted communications and insecure pairing procedures that hackers can exploit.

This combination of access, poor device security and lack of controls leaves enterprises exposed to airspace attacks that can lead to data loss, ransomware and denial of service. 

Harmony IoT gives you total visbility into all airspace activity and protects you from IoT and wireless-borne attacks

The Harmony IoT Solution

Harmony IoT delivers visibility, continuous monitoring and real time attack mitigation. What makes it different from traditional network access control (NAC) and mobile device management (MDM) is it monitors the airspace rather than the devices.

This gives Harmony IoT the power to see all devices in the airspace, even those not connected to a network. It monitors and takes action based on what the devices are doing. 

The Harmony IoT policy engine makes it easy to establish effective airspace security hygiene to ensure the devices operating in your airspace are configured to meet your wireless security standards.

Finally, Harmony IoT is non-invasive: It is an AI based, cloud managed, out-of-band solution that requires no changes to your network. That means rapid time to implementation and low TCO.

Total Airspace Visibility

The moment any device enters your airspace, it is identified and tracked. Harmony IoT uses its extensive database of wireless devices and attributes combined with AI based continuous learning to compare what each device is doing with what it should be doing.

Proactive Threat Detection

Harmony IoT uses advanced anomaly detection and knowledge of attack behaviors to produce high-fidelity alerts enabling you to quickly understand and address airspace threats.

Real-Time Mitigation

Harmony IoT interrupts or disconnects wireless connections to prevent data transfers and isolate threats. Harmony IoT gives you the control to set and enforce airspace security policies that align with your business objectives.

Harmony IoT Resources

Close the gap in airspace security. Learn about airspace threats and how Harmony IoT can help you achieve wired level security and compliance to your airspace network.

Harmony IoT for Manufacturing

Harmony IoT for Healthcare